Mission + Values

We desire to be a safe place for people to be in process, and have a place where everyone realizes they are in process. None of us have arrived.

But first, what is the process?

• To guide people to accept the invitation of Jesus and Belong to his family
• Become an imitation of Jesus
• Contribute to the mission of Jesus
• Deliver his message to our world in order to Exalt his name

But first, what is the process?

• To guide people to accept the invitation of Jesus and Belong to his family
• Become an imitation of Jesus
• Contribute to the mission of Jesus
• Deliver his message to our world in order to Exalt his name

Our vision

One Church - three accessible locations


Our vision

One Church - three accessible locations


our 7 core values

We believe that people should come as they are.  God made them to be an original, not a carbon copy.  One of the greatest mistakes they can make is to repress their God-given uniqueness in a vain attempt to appear more spiritual.  Therefore, we are committed to helping them discover their uniqueness, celebrate it, and use it for God’s glory.  “Love from the center of who you are…don’t fake it”. (Romans 12:9, Message)
We believe that one of the main purposes of the Bible is to teach people how to live.  Its message is about everyday spirituality, not outdated religion.  Therefore, we are committed to making the message of the Bible understandable and applicable to people’s everyday life.  “My purpose is to give life in all its fullness,” said Jesus (John 10:10).  Furthermore, since today’s world is rapidly changing, forms and methods must be continually evaluated and, if necessary, altered to fit new conditions.  The message is sacred, not the methods.  “Intelligent people are always open to new ideas.  In fact, they look for them”. (Proverbs 18:15)
We believe that the church is a loving and accepting family, a place where you can know and be known, love and be loved, care and be cared for.  Therefore, in our process groups and weekend services, we are committed to making new people feel welcome, loving your neighbor as yourself, and avoiding destructive behavior like gossip or slander!  “Love your neighbor as yourself,” said Jesus. (Matthew 22:39)
We believe that the church is the hope of the world.  We are not called to be an exclusive elite.  We are called to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to our world.  We are here to introduce people to a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  The Bible says, “Christ changed us from enemies into His friends and gave us the task of making others His friends also”. (2 Corinthians 5:18, TEV)
We believe that the message of the Bible is good news.  Therefore, we will have services and events that are more like a feast, than a funeral.  “I rejoiced with those who said to Me, ‘Let us go to the house of the LORD’”. (Psalms 122:1)
We believe that the goal of the church is unity in purpose and principle, not uniformity in personality and preferences!  Therefore, when differences arrive, we will handle them in a respectful, Christ-honoring way.  “In essential things, we have unity; in non-essential things, we have liberty; in all things, we show charity,” Rupertus Meldenius.
We believe that the call to ministry is not restricted to professional clergy.  Every Christian is called to serve God with gladness.  The role of the clergy is to equip and empower the laity; the role of the laity is to serve and build the church family.  “It was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be…pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up”. (Ephesians 4:11-12)

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