At CCCKids, our mission is that every kid who walks in our doors would know the love of God and the ABC’s of their faith: CCCKids will know who God is and who they are - His children! They will accept this truth and have a relationship with Jesus Christ. CCCKids will become like Jesus as they read their Bibles, worship, pray, and live in community with God and each other! They will practice these actions in church, at home, and anywhere they go! CCCKids will offer kids the opportunity to contribute to building God’s Kingdom through serving and leading opportunities, offering, and relevant messages with Faith In Action Challenges.
We are so happy to announce we have CCCKids programs 9 & 10:30 a.m. Sunday services, and at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday nights!
Pastor Rachael loves seeing your kids during the week. If they have sports games, recitals, or would even like to pray and play in the church or at your home, please do not hesitate to reach out by emailing her at so she can meet and encourage your amazing kids!